Changing the passwords regularly seems like a tedious and daunting. But it is in your best interest. Your computer has sensitive and important information. If your credentials are in the wrong hands the damage will be a burden, costly and time consuming to repair. Hackers are becoming more advanced and always have new tricks. We’re now seeing more and more major data breaches such as the recent T-Mobile breach.

Changing your credentials regularly reduces your risk of exposure. Think about how we use the internet. It’s an integral part of our daily routines. We shop online, email, check our bank accounts, pay bills, watch TV, schedule doctors appointments and much more. Are you using the same password for multiple accounts? If you get hacked and you have reused credentials other accounts are at risk.
- Why you should be changing your passwords
- When you should be changing your passwords
- Password best practices
- Offering help and resource to help you manage your passwords.
Why Change Credentials?
If you use the same password for multiple accounts it can lead to multiple hacks across all your accounts. What a headache that would be.
Prevents use of saved passwords in the case of a lost or changed computer. It’s convenient now to saved passwords. Just click and the save automatically. What if your computer is lost or stolen ? AYour sensitive data is now being accessed by someone. Changing your passwords will relieve your worries. Those saved passwords are irrelevant. You’re protected.
Prevents consistent access to your accounts. If a hacker gains access to your account they may just take what they want and leave. But sometimes hackers continue to access different accounts and information about you over time to steal your identity. Prevent this. Have multiple passwords and change them frequently.

When Should I Change It?
Have you logged in recently? I s that the first password ever used? A stagnant account is subject to a hacker gaining access. If you u haven’t used an account in a year consider deleting the account if it is going unused or simply update your password.
It’s too simple and personal to you. As stated above it has only been recently that accounts are encouraging us to use strong passwords and if yours is too weak it can easily be subject to hacking or if your password is too personal such as a birthday, children’s name or address.
Change credentials immediately If you are made aware of a data breach consider. When the T-Mobile data breach occurred millions of T-Mobile customers had personal data exposed. T-Mobile encouraged changing passwords to make sure customer information and identity was safeguarded.
Shared access. If you have shared your account login with someone. IE: Netflix or Hulu. It’s a good idea to change your credentials to avoid them getting into any of your other accounts.
Logging in at public places. After you’ve logged into one of your accounts at a public place, such as a library computer, it is good practice to update those credentials. If you do, you’ll avoid leaving a digital footprint behind for someone to access.
When you discover malware or if your computer had a virus. You want to keep your information safe and switch them out. Hackers will give your computer a virus to gain access and steal information. A virus can expose your sensitive information.

Best Practices
Now that you’ve learned why and when you should change your password let’s talk about best practices for your password so that you can always be protected.
Use two-factor authentication when applicable. This means to access your account your account you’ll have to go through a two step process such as a regular login and then a one-time code optin sent through text or email.
Audit your passwords. Don’t use the same passwords for multiple accounts. Don’t include your name or a series of numbers in a sequence (i.e 1234). Make them are long and varied. Always have an uppercase, a lowercase, a numeral and a special character. Example: “password” become’ “p@ssW0rD”
Stronger password? The less you have to change it. Before, it was said that you should be changing your passwords every 90 days but with all the accounts we now hold who knows how long that would take us! Recent data has now shown that a unique, strong password doesn’t need to be changed as frequently. Having said that if you find yourself in any situations mentioned above you should change your password at that time.
Install LastPass
Make your life easier Install LastPass. It eases the pain of forgotten passwords. It leaves you only one phrase to remember.
Make LastPass, your new best friend. LastPass can be used on your computer and your iPhone. Have all your passwords in one place. Never lose or forget your password again!
Now with this knowledge hopefully you’ll know how to protect yourself from any cyber attack and keep you information safe. If you want to learn more about Lastpass or you need help installing contact me below.