Chances are you snap a photo anytime you visit a new place, have family gatherings, or your pet does something absolutely adorable. What about when your kid celebrates a milestone or life simply makes you feel good? It’s worth taking a photo with your iPhone.
But, what do you do with it afterwards? Does it just sit there on your phone? You may pull it out to show someone, but for the most part it sits on your phone underutilized. Be more social with it. I can help.
You have so many options for fun, creative ways to share your photos and turn them into something you can look at and appreciate everyday!
Don’t Let Thousands of Photos Just Sit on iCloud
- Send Them in a Text message
- Email Them
- Make an Album
- Share Folders
- Print a Book
- AirDrop to People Nearby
- Free Your Photo from Being On a ‘virtual’ Desert Island All Alone
If you’re wondering how. I’ll show you to share your photos with friends and family. They will enjoy them also. There are different and creative ways for you to use your photos and get the most out of them

Text Photos To Contacts On Your iPhone
Have a family member or friend that would enjoy a picture on your phone? You can text photos to your contacts by simply going to your messages, selecting your chosen contact and selecting the camera icon to choose a photo to share! This is a great way to keep friends and family up to date on your latest adventures!
Insert Pictures Into Your Emails
A more formal way to let your friends and family know what you’ve been up to is to add photos to your email to share. You can add photos to your emails by selecting the attachment icon and select upload to upload the photo you wish to share! This can also be a visual aid to your emails when trying to communicate your inspiration ideas!
Make Albums On Your iPhone
Organizing your photos can help you easily access the photos you are looking for whether it’s a time of year, a certain trip or memory you’d like to access. You can create albums on your iPhone to organize all your favorite memories! Go to your photos app on iPhone, navigate to albums and on the top left corner hit the + icon to create a new album and add your desired photos to that album!

Share Folders On Google Drive
If you don’t already have a Google Drive account you can get one for free. There you can easily upload your pictures or even videos and share them as a folder to anyone! This is another great way to keep your photos and videos organized without taking up storage on your iPhone. Simply create a folder on Google Drive then upload all your photos to that folder.
Make A Printed Book:
There are so many services where you can send or upload all your photos and make printed books, canvas wall art and so much more with them! Here a just a few:
This is a great way to physically have your favorite photos with you and it can also be a great gift for weddings, anniversary’s, holidays or other celebrations!
Airdrop Your Photos To People Nearby
Airdrop is a great feature from Apple that lets you automatically send pictures, videos or even contacts to people within your range and it will automatically save it to the recipients phone. So when you’re at a party or gathering and you’ve just taken a picture and someone wants it you can send it to them then and there!
These are just some ways you can utilize your pictures that gather on your phone for others to enjoy.
Don’t let precious memory just sit on your iPhone gathering dust. With plenty of pictures apps, the latest IOS updates and printing services out there you can make the most of your photos and relive those moments for years to come!
If you need help figuring it out, guidane on what to do next with your photos.
I can help you navigate your iPhone, Airdrop, emails or google drive
Contact me further assistance.